About Us |
"Balkania.Net" is volunteer joint effort
of students and postgraduates of journalism and political sciences from
Athens, Thessaloniki, Belgrade, Skopje, Sophia and Timisoara to collect
reliable public sources on current Balkans topics.
Our goal is to provide accurate background information
useful to investigative journalism. Feel free to send us whatever you
think is relevant for this collection.
Credits |
Western sources edited by Eirinie Stephanopoulos.
Yugoslavian sources provided by GEAS and edited by Damian Peiovic
Technical support by InfoHellas, Thess, Gr. & AcademicNet, Bg, Yu
Thanx to Gotse, Maria, Milan, Rumen, Ion, Milan II, Zelimir, Hrysa,
Matheoss, V-Team, Manolly, Sperantsa and all other people.
Dedicated to all suffering people in Yugoslavia.
90s: USA, Islam Attempt to Penetrate Balkans
"U.S. policy in the Balkans is worse than a crime--it is a blunder. Not
only is America working against her own best interests by fostering a Muslim
terrorist base (Kosovo/Albania) in Europe, it is defeating the purpose of its
Balkan intervention. Ostensibly designed to promote stability in the region,
American foreign policy is doing precisely the opposite by its support of
Muslim revolution."
Harry G. Summers, Jr. in his
article about Kosovo (Washington Times, Jan. 26, 1999)
Balkania.Net Resources |
Historical, Social and Political Background |
The Kosovo Chronicles by Dusan Batakovic (1992)
Book on history and nature of Serbo-Albanian relationship, by famous Balkans historian. Essential reading!
The Kosovo Question: Past and Present by Dimitrije Bogdanovic (1985)
Summary of a book by renowned Serbian historian, published by Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
The Balkan Geopolitical Knot and the Serbian Question (Characteristics and Importance of the Geographical Position of the Balkan Peninsula) by Jovan Ilic
(From Serbian Question in the Balkans, University of Belgrade, 1995.)
The Migration of Serbs and Montenegrins from Kosovo and Metohija (Results of the Survey Conducted in 1985-1986) by Ruza Petrovic and Marina Blagojevic [new!]
Hidden documents: Decades of suffering of Non-Albanians in Kosovo! (Accepted at the 6th meeting of the Department of Social Sciences of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, June 1988)
The Battle of Kosovo (Serbian Medieval Epic Poems)
The Battle of Kosovo cycle of heroic ballads is generally considered the finest work of Serbian folk poetry. Translated by John Matthias and Vladeta Vuckovic
German Foreign Office report on Kosovo of November 1998
on asylum and expulsion related situation in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
"In Yugoslavia, Rising Ethnic Strife Brings Fears of Worse Civil Conflict" by David Binder (The New York Times, November 1, 1987) -- or Why Serbia lifted Kosovo's autonomy
Kosovo Facts 1998 by Secretariat of Information FRY
(From Serbian Question in the Balkans, University of Belgrade, 1995.)
Legal Issues |
Resolution 343: The Temporary Ban on the Return of Colonists to Their Former Place of Residence (March 5th 1945) This resolution by Yugoslav communist government had a crucial, even the most decisive, influence on much of what had happened in Kosovo after the end of World War II. The decision talks of a temporary ban but in practice it had the effect of lasting and permanent ban.
Rambouillet Agreement: A Process Analysis;
Civilian Kosovo Agreement; Military Kosovo Agreement
(Analysis by The Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, Sweden, 1999)
Would You Sign This Agreement? by Dr. Ronald L Hatchett (Director of Center for International Studies, The University of St. Thomas.) Take a look at it and you will see that the "peace plan" actually gives the Albanians precisely what they want: de facto independence now, with guaranteed de jure independence in three years.
NATO and International Law by Prof. Raju G. C. Thomas (April 1999) Does NATO's attack on Serbia violate International Law? Does Humanitarian Law override the territorial integrity of states? See previous articles by R. Thomas: U.S. - Breach of International Laws and More on the Violations of International Law
Our Illegal War by Congressman Helen Chenoweth (March 1999)
US War Crimes During the Gulf War, Francis A. Boyle (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, February 27, 1992.) This paper documents the numerous occasions that international laws were broken and disregarded during the Gulf War
NATO War Crimes - Complaint filed with the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in Hague from Mr. Alexander Lykourezos charging NATO's political and military leaders and all responsible NATO personnel with grave breaches of the Geneva Convention of 1949 and violations of the laws and customs of war. (May 3, 1999) [new!]
Terrorism and Organised Crime |
Terrorism in Kosovo and Metohija and Albania (White Book)
Federal Ministry Of Foreign Affairs, Belgrade, September 1998
Albanian Terrorists, book by Milan V. Petkovic (1998)
Contents: Islamic Extremism and the European Quest; Turkey, Albania and the "Republic Kosova"; The "Kosovo Liberation Army"; Profession - Terrorist
Chronology of the KLA's Terrorism: April 1996 - February 1998
Published by Belgrade weekly magazine "Nedeljni Telegraf" on March 4th, 1998
Articles on KLA-Kosovo-Drugs-Mafia and Fundraising by SIRIUS
These articles demonstrate the widely understood connection between the Kosovo Albanians, their heroin Mafia and the KLA insurrection in Kosovo of 1997-99.
Military & Intelligence |
Interception Capabilities 2000 by Duncan Campbell, IPTV Ltd. [new!]
Report to the Director General for Research of the European Parliament (Scientific and Technical Options
Assessment programme office) on the development of surveillance technology
and risk of abuse of economic information. April 1999.
Analysis of Ground Warfare Option by Stratfor
This study is an analysis of some of the aspects of a NATO ground war against Yugoslavia. April 1999.
Plotting The War Against Serbia: An Insider's Story
A German Insider's View of Kosovo Conflict (April 1999)
US Bombing - The Myth of Surgical Bombing in the Gulf War
(The Commission of Inquiry for the International War Crimes Tribunal, by Paul Walker, 1992)
US military uses Yugoslavia as testing ground for high-tech weaponry
(by Jerry White, World Socialist Web site, March 27, 1999)
Geostrategy |
Offensive in The Balkans by Yossef Bodansky (1995)
One of the most important policy document of the decade! Yossef Bodansky's detailed and independent research reveals new facts which should significantly affect the way external policy is made toward the former Yugoslavia, and the Bosnia-Herzegovina crisis in particular
Some Call it Peace: Waiting for War in The Balkans, by Yossef Bodansky (1996)
An Overwhelming Deluge of Facts Behind the Ongoing Tragedy of the Balkans • Vital New Facts You Must Know About US Policy
The New World Order and Yugoslavia by Gerard Baudson (1996)
Excellent French geostrategics study on Former Yugoslavia
I Accuse! by Rajko Dolecek (1999)
This book demonstrates the dirty role of the West played in Yugoslavia, during the civil-ethnic-religious war, up to present tragic events in Kosovo and Metohia.
The New Rome & The New Religious Wars by Gregory R. Copley, Editor of Defense & Foreign Affairs magazine (April/May 1999)
Clinton-Approved Iranian Arms Transfers Help Turn Bosnia into Militant Islamic Base by U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee (January 16, 1997)
Why Is NATO in Yugoslavia? by Sean Gervasi [new!] (A Paper Delivered to the Conference on the Enlargement of NATO in Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean, Prague, Czech Republic, January 13-14, 1996 )
"NATO's Balkan War: Finding an Honorable Exit," remarks at CATO conference by Jim Jatras [new!] (One of the most complete and acurate assessments of the Kosovo crisis. May, 1999 )
Blunder in the Balkans: The Clinton Administration's Bungled War against Serbia by Christopher Layne [new!] (CATO Institute Policy Analysis No. 345, May 20, 1999)
Two must-read books by Yossef Bodansky
Some Call it Peace:
Waiting for War in The Balkans (1996) "Vital New Facts You Must Know
About US Policy"
Offensive in The Balkans
The Potential for a Wider War as a Result of Foreign Inter-vention
in B-H (1995) "One of the most important policy documents of
the decade"